Monday, September 1, 2008

What was your initial reacion to coming to the U.S

This is the second time that I came to the United state. First time I came to the U.
S.when I was 10 years old. I have been to New work to find my cousin who studied there. I had a lot of fun in that time. After ten years, I came to the U.S. again but this time I came to Carbondale where my studied in the SIUC. I had the new feeling at this time because I came here with my friend,Mickey, without my parents' caompany. In Taiwan, I stayed with my parents during the school time so that I could not have a lot of freedom. Mickey took to many fun places like the Calvary church, Chicago,and the SIUC.Then my CESL class started, and I learned a lot of knowledge. Therefore, I just felt excited and expected that I could have a good time during this period.


Anna said...

Steven, I'm glad to hear that you have enjoyed your time in the United States so far! You paragraph was good but you might want to work on the formatting. In the middle of your paragraph there is a gap that makes it awkward to read.
Again, good job. The content of your paragraph was good and interesting!!

Anna said...

Please remember to post next week.